Closet: Declutter, Categorize, Contain, Organize

Closet - Shoe Section (before): The client needed help with shoe organization to make it easier to find the right pair when needed.

Closet - Shoe Section (after): Decluttering and being a ruthless editor for the space you have is essential in maintaining an organized space. The client is present for this process to ensure all favorites are kept!

Closet - Accessories (before): Accessories were mixed and often fell when extracted.

Closet - Shoe & Accessory Sections (after): All are on display and can be easily located.

Closet - Accessories (after): Boutique-style displays for prized handbags are always a win!

Closet - Clothes (before): Hangers were mismatched, and clothes often fell off the plastic hangers.

Closet - Clothes (after): Velvet hangers kept items securely in place.

Closet - Clothes (before): Space needed to be made for a significant other, so creating zones was key.

Closet - Clothes (after): Slim-fit hangers ensured both the client and their significant other had space.
Master Closet: Organize

Closet - left side (before): Without sufficient hangers and proper shoe storage, the floor was becoming a holding ground for most of the client's attire.

Closet - left side (after): Adding shoe and belt storage and keeping work shirts together helped streamline this client's routine.

Closet - left side (after): We also created a storage solution for ties.

Closet - center (before): Work and casual attire was mixed throughout the closet, so getting ready in the morning meant some "hunting" time was needed.

Closet - center (after): We kept casual items (namely t-shirts and jeans) together to make it easier and fast to get ready to go out.

Closet - right side (before): Keeping things hidden in boxes means those articles are often forgotten.

Closet - right side (after): Hanging jackets and hoodies helped save space in the dresser and allowed the client to grab a quick extra layer when needed.

Closet - right side (after): We created a sneaker section that is easy to access and always visible.
Multiple Closets: Organization

Larger Closet (before): Installing ELFA storage was pivotal for unpacking this client and optimizing limited space.

Larger Closet (after): Using containers at the top, hanging storage to the right, and shoe containers at the bottom ensured this client was able to use every square inch of closet real estate.

Smaller Closet (before): Installing ELFA storage was pivotal for unpacking this client and optimizing limited space.

Smaller Closet (after): Containers above, hanging shelving, and bins at the bottom ensure no space is wasted in this compact closet space.
Master Closet: Declutter & Organize

Closet 1 (before): The client had a hard time locating items when needed. Items sometimes slipped off of hangers, and the closet was serving as bathroom storage as well.

Closet 1 (after): Making sure everything has a home with a section just for sweaters. These used to be folded in a back, corner shelf, and now they get to shine.

Closet 1 (mid-point): Creating cohesion and bring the harmony back to this closet.

Closet 1 (before): The shoe collection was impressive, but the client had a difficult time knowing what they had with shoes in the original box. We pulled everything out to evaluate and declutter things that were not in harmony with the client any longer.

Closet 1 (after): With the shoes visible, the client could save valuable time getting exactly what she needed on the first try and without having tons of boxes slide down in the process.

Closet 1 (after): With shoes sorted by function and color, we created an accessible system that gave back so much closet space. Now, it can be used as a place to get ready, and not just storage.

Closet 1 (after): The harmony of an organized closet space is saving the client time getting ready.
Master Closet: Declutter & Organize

Closet (before): Strappy items needed hangers with some grip to eliminate garments falling.

Closet (before): Purse storage was also needed to help keep accessories from falling.

Closet (after): Matching velvet hangers created cohesion and provided enough grip to keep garments no hangers. Purse storage in acrylic containers also meant items didn't fall.

Closet (after): Including a shoe shelving unit helps to organize shoes.

Closet (after): Additional shelving allowed for taller booties to have space and be on display.