Springtime Refresh
Hey folks, March Madness is real, and it has thrown us into a whirlwind of springtime refreshes with our clients!
- Entryways
- Closets
- Under sinks
- Bathrooms
- Kid spaces
- Whole kitchen organization including pantries
- Even garages and attics!
…if it needs to be organized, we’ve been there this month. Have you started your spring cleaning yet?
This year as the weather warms up and I start to get the itch to throw my windows wide open and start my big spring clean, I like to create a plan based on spaces and what I want to accomplish in each space.
Let's start with seasonal decluttering. For our house, this usually means bedrooms, closets, and the garage.
What cold-weather gear and heavy winter clothes can be put away for the season?
What has my son outgrown in terms of clothes and toys?What spring clothes can come out?
What wardrobe items are underutilized and better off in the donation bin?
What seasonal decor can be put away?
I like to think about it in terms of decluttering and swapping out. So I create a list and start checking off my tasks. You can choose large or small tasks to get started, but just remember you are making progress and that’s what counts!
If you’re like me, it can all become a little overwhelming, yes, even as an Organizer, especially when you do this for your whole family! I am a little impatient wanting to do it all in one weekend and move on, but sometimes we all like to bite off more than we can chew. So I like to break it down into smaller tasks and enlist my favorite little helper. Depending on their age, make sure to enlist the help of your kids especially when it comes to their bedrooms, play areas, or whatever other areas of the home. It builds character and teaches them to be independent and responsible.
We go room by room and focus on parts of the home that might have been a little neglected over the colder months. Grab a free printable checklist to help you stay organized and focused.
During this period, I also like to take the time and deep clean areas in my kitchen like my refrigerator, pantry, bathroom spaces, storage areas, and kid spaces. I work my way through these spaces taking everything out, sorting and purging what needs to go. Dirty shelves in your fridge? GONE. Stale snacks? GONE. Broken or outgrown toys? GONE. Expired toiletries under the bathroom sink? GONE. Disposing of and cleaning up these areas can help you to start fresh for the seasons ahead.
And after all the purging, cleaning, and organizing is done, go ahead and reward yourself with refreshing your home spaces by adding some new pillows if you have to, and decorative accessories throughout your home. Try out a new air freshener or throw those new clean linens on the beds! Make it feel fresh for Y.O.U.
How do you like to refresh in the Springtime? Are you a cleaner? An organizer? A purger? A decorator? Or all the above?
I think Spring cleaning is a little bit of everything. To me spring cleaning gives me a renewed sense of hope, my spirit is a little lighter, and I have this new energy to take on whatever life throws my way. Some would refer to that as optimism and good positive vibes, which given with everything happening in the world around us today, is a good thing!
If you take the time at the start of the season, you can be organized all year long. Follow along with my blog and see what else you can organize! Don’t forget to check out my amazon list for my favorite spring cleaning products.
Until next time,
Xoxo Malaika